What would you do if you saw one of these things approaching you with lights cameras and lasers flashing, trying to determine if you are lost?
I’d probably bolt for the nearest exit and then go straight home for dry clothes.
The droid is called Robovie and was developed by the Advanced Telecommunications Research Institute (ATR) in Japan.
Robovie was designed to help people who are lost, giving them directions to their destination.
He uses 16 cameras, six laser-range finders (eek!) and nine RFID tag readers to watch up to 20 people at a time, analyzing their behavior to see if they're acting disorientated.
One look at this droid would be enough to disorient anyone so he should be kept very busy.
Anyway, Robovie could be working the shopping malls of Osaka by the middle of this year, so if you're going, watch out for him. And his lasers.