Democrat officials Wednesday launched a two-pronged attack on states with new laws requiring identification before voting, the highlight being a call to boycott Coke, Walmart and others that back a leading organization pushing for voter ID laws.
Democrats claim that some states are trying to keep minority voters from the polls by enacting voter ID laws.
The claim is ridiculous.
Below is a partial list of things that require a photo ID:
Driver's license
Buy alcohol
Buy cigarettes
Apply for welfare payments
Apply for food stamps
Cash a check
Purchase a firearm
Make a large credit card purchase
Open a bank account
Rent an apartment
Be admitted to a hospital
Get a marriage license
There are two reasons for the Democrat war on the ID voting requirement. They are both centered around giving an edge to Democrat politicians.
1. Democrats want illegal aliens to be allowed to vote because most people who are here illegally will vote for the political party that allows them to enter the United States and stay here without documentation - the Democrat Party.
2. Democrats want to continue sending busloads of people from inner cities to vote with the promise of beer, cigarettes and a meal or two if they vote for Democrats. Busses have also been sent to nursing homes promising a nice restaurant meal in exchange for votes for Democrat candidates.
This is often repeated with the same voters sometimes at the same polling place and sometimes at a different precinct. This is much easier without voter ID laws and it’s easier than voting dead people.