Each year Spots Illustrated names their choices for Anti-Sportsmen of the year. Two of their 2013 choices are shown below:
Incognito was began his colligate career with the Nebraska Cornhuskers but was soon suspended indefinitely from the team.
He then went to the University of Oregon where he only lasted one week before being suspended.
Both the University of Nebraska and the University of Oregon ordered Incognito to attend anger management classes.
Incognito landed on the SI unsportsmanlike triple play of bullying, racial slurs and sexual harassment.
Incognito's bullying is allegedly responsible for starting left tackle Jonathan Martin's sudden departure from the team midway through the season.
According to Martin, Incognito harassed him constantly, left a threatening voicemail in which he called Martin a racial slur, and stuck Martin with a $15,000 bill for a Las Vegas trip the then-rookie didn't even take.
After the Dolphins suspended Incognito indefinitely, details emerged of a police report filed a year earlier by a volunteer at a Dolphins charity golf tournament, who alleged Incognito sexually harassed her with a golf club.
When word got out that MLB was targeting a dozen players who had connections with the Biogenesis Laboratory, one name stood out: Rodriguez.
A-Rod had admitted to steroid use in the past, but he had reportedly been in MLB's crosshairs for suspected continuing use of performance-enhancing drugs. Though the other players in MLB's investigation all agreed to suspensions, Rodriguez refused to admit wrongdoing in exchange for lighter penalties. Thus, he was handed a 211-game suspension that would have covered the rest of 2013 as well as the entire 2014 season.
Rodriguez appealed the suspension, and was able to play out the rest of 2013 while the appeals process dragged on.
The legal battle has continued into the offseason, most recently with Rodriguez filing a suit against MLB alleging various improprieties in the way MLB obtained evidence to use against Rodriguez.
There were several others on the 2013 SI Anti-Sportsmen of the year.