The panic button on a car key may be important for people who forget where they park. There may be other uses such as one man who said he uses it to chase the cats off his hood.
However, if you don’t forget where you park or need to chase cats off you hood, why not disable the panic button so it won’t blare your horn accidentally? Your neighbors will thank you.
The panic button on our Toyota Sienna has not been a problem. A recent Dodge Caravan purchase posed a panic button problem. Just putting the key in pocket or purse would often set the alarm off.
A loud horn blaring in short blasts is not a good way to endear yourself to your neighbors.
With a very small screwdriver pop off the back of the key.
Lift out the circuit board, turn it over and place a small piece of paper over the panic button contact.
We cut a small square from the sticky portion of a post-it-note (shown as a yellow square in second photo). Most any paper will work but the sticky portion of a post-it-note will keep it in position while the key is reassembled.
Just make sure you cover the correct contact or the tailgate or one of the sliding doors won't open or the doors won't lock.